
Yoga & Meditation Classes

Come explore your inner space of awareness while relaxing in our Reiki Infused Yoga & Meditation class. Our Vinyasa flow classes enable you to move slowly, while focusing on strength, flexibility, concentration, breath work, and meditation.

We will also learn what charges and discharges each chakra, and practice various healing practices for each chakra, while using Reiki to open, balance, and align these vital energy portals in our bodies.

Hope to see you there! Bring a yoga mat, blanket and/or pillow, and a composition book for journaling.

PRICE INFO: Tickets are $25. You must register on Eventbrite or by phone at least one hour before the class. Please attend the next scheduled class if you are more than 5 minutes late.




Donate Here: www.paypal.me/healinghandsreiki

Website: www.healinghandsreikiatl.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/healinghandsreikiatl

Twitter: www.twitter.com/healingreikiatl

Instagram: www.instagram.com/healinghandsreikiatl

Watch Healing Hands Reiki & Spiritual Development Inc. on YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEydtizOUKTBc7qXA5in0Ag?view_as=subscriber

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